
Open Letter to Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones: You’re a Selfish Jerk!

November 2, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Let me start this out and stress, I am not a Cowboy fan. I do listen to them every day however. I listened this Sunday, and I came away with an idea. This idea that if they wrote a letter to Jerry Jones it would sound something like this...
Dear Jerry Jones,

I have to ask you a question. After I watched this fiasco known as a football game Sunday, it is weighing on my mind.

Do you get it?

I ask this because I don’t think you do.
Just hear me out Jerry; I know you are a busy man, making all those millions for your team.
What happened on Sunday?
After your team lost on Sunday, what did you do? 
In case you didn't know or realize, you are the only owner/GM that I am aware of that does interviews after the game in front of the press. I wasn’t sure that you knew this, but I think it tells us about your role on this team.
You are too involved!
Why do YOU have to be the center of attention?
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