
Philadelphia Eagles Fanbase Falling Victim to the Recency Effect?

January 22, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Recency Effect [ˈriːsənsɪ] (n) - The tendency for individuals to be most influenced by what they have last seen or heard.

For instance, if I give you a long list of words, you're most likely to only remember the final handful of them because that's the most recently stored data. After all, the brain's short-term memory can only handle so much.

The same could also be true that after watching a player's entire career, or even just a season, filled with great plays and moments, that a poor showing at the end could leave a person with a negative impression of said player because that's the first thing the brain is going to recall.

And unfortunately, this is what a lot of Eagles fans have fallen victim to when recalling the names of David Akers and Winston Justice.

It's certainly no secret that both players royally messed things up in the Eagles' Wild Card loss to the Green Bay Packers. Akers missed two very makeable field goals th...

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