
Ranking the 32 Fan Bases in the National Football League

April 1, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments

There is nothing more difficult—and controversial—than ranking the fan bases of every NFL team. Somebody has to be first. And somebody has to be last, much to the dismay of their fans (if they have any).
When I compiled my rankings, I factored in a bunch of different things. If the team always sells out their games and dominates in merchandise sales, that’s huge. If they can make noise like a jet taking off, that’s a big positive.
By the way, ranking team’s fan bases is not an exact science. It’s not even close. It’s virtually impossible to compare the noise created by one team to the attendance of another team. One thing was for certain, though. Any fan base which still supports its teams through years of losing seasons is guaranteed to be ranked favorably in my book. That’s probably the most important test of being a fan. Anybody can root for a winner. It takes a true fan to support a 4-12 team.
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