
Rex and Michelle Ryan Going Toe-to-Toe: Is There a Scandal Afoot in New York?

December 23, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

You have probably heard the news by now—such as it's news—about the alleged foot fetish videos that may well have featured Michelle Ryan, wife of the New York Jets’ colorful head coach, Rex Ryan.
The story broke on deadspin.com, with videos depicting Michelle Ryan’s (alleged) dangling tootsies, complemented by the (alleged) voice of an admiring Rex Ryan. At his media session on Wednesday, Ryan did not deny the allegations but also asked that the media respect this as a “private matter.”
It’s odd enough for Rex—that most public of NFL coaches—to declare anything off-limits. Another oddity:  Ryan has put his own foot in his mouth many times; we did not know that he may have ingested someone else’s feet on other occasions.
But I digress, sort of. Usually, I leave these stories to others, and indeed, I have yet to write a Guilty Pleasures piece in my four months of writing for Bleacher Report. Every time I tee ...

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