
San Diego Chargers Marcus McNeill To Sign Tender and Rejoin The Bolts

September 25, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

San Diego Chargers holdout, left tackle Marcus McNeill, pulled a surprise move and has decided against holding out for the entire season. I am shocked at this development, because I believed that McNeill would holdout until he signed a long term deal.
Some of my shock can be attributed to the steady play of McNeill's replacement, Brandyn Dombrowski. Dombrowski's run blocking has been phenomenal and visions of a first round pick in exchange for McNeill danced in my head.
I have no interest in seeing McNeill on the field playing for that ridiculously low tender of $630,000, but if it helps expedite a long term deal with the Chargers, then it was worth it.
You also have to wonder if watching AJ Smith stiff arm Team Jackson (Vincent Jackson and his agents Feinsod and Schwartz) this week had something to do with McNeill's quick penmanship. If so, Smith has one again proven his genius by simply making a decision, sticking with it, and not wavering.
Think about it. If Team...

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