
Sean Payton’s Offense Has Betrayed Him With a Kiss, But He’s Not Panicking

October 13, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

But I know the neighborhood
And talk is cheap when the story is good
And the tales grow taller on down the line—REO Speedwagon
You know the world has turned upside down when Les Miles is being hailed for his clock management skills and Sean Payton admits to getting a play call in late in the team's most recent loss.
Driving back from Florida on Monday, I heard a local talk show host, on a station you've all heard of but probably never listen to, say that the Saints problem is that Sean Payton and Drew Brees spent too much time in the offseason making commercials and hawking their books instead of breaking down tape and working on timing with receivers.
And yet which one of us would have not done the same damned thing?
I would have gladly sat on Oprah's couch and told my story to "Dr. Phil" and "Ellen" and "60 Minutes" and whoever else wanted to hear it, including Gerry V.
This a**hole tells his audience that you can not talk to Oprah and...

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