
Seattle Seahawks’ Leroy Hill Should Not Be Released Or Traded

June 9, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

So there have been many rumors floating around the Internet for the past months about the release of Seattle Seahawks linebacker Leroy Hill. Hill was just getting over a marijuana charge, when he was charged with a domestic abuse charge.
Should the Seahawks keep Hill? Everyone knows how valuable he is when he's geared up on Sundays, but the character question comes into play here. How many games is he going to miss from the marijuana charge? N.Y. Jets defensive end Shaun Ellis received a one game suspension, which is a typical first time suspension for marijuana use.
So we can say goodbye to him for week one against the S.F. 49ers.
Now to the domestic abuse charge. Issaquah police found marks on Hill's girlfriend and charged him with domestic abuse, which is the same charge as a fourth degree assault. It is classified as a misdemeanor.
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