
Should Jordy Nelson Be Given the Starting Role over Donald Driver?

October 2, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Donald Jerome Driver is one the greatest Green Bay Packers in franchise history. He leads the franchise with most receiving yards (9,666) and receptions (703) and is still going strong.
There was a time when people wondered if Donald Driver would ever get old. Back in 2009, when the then  34-years-old still had a burst of speed and great athleticism, and even pulled in his seventh consecutive 1,000-yard season. 
Enter 2011 and it's a near 180 degree turn. 
Driver still contributes to the passing game and on special teams, but it is pretty clear that the best has passed for the old timer. He currently only has five receptions for a mediocre 50 yards this season. That puts him on pace for only 266 yards for the entire season.
Let's face it, Donald Driver is officially old, and it's only a matter a time before he loses his starting role, and maybe even takes a pay cut.
Enter Jordy Nelson, and the future for Driver's spot looks bright.
Nelson an...

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