
Simple Solution To the NFL’s 18-Game Problem

June 17, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

The NBA gets 82 games. The NHL gets 84 games. And MLB gets 162 games.
The NFL? 16 games.
The NBA spans, from preseason to the last Championship rounds, over nine months. Meaning only three to five months go by before the season starts for your team again. And Each game is played in only 2-4 days.
The NHL and MLB are both only about five months in their regular season's. But they still get a lot more playing time in those five months.
In the NFL, you have wait a whole week before your teams plays. And the season spans, from preseason to the Superbowl, six months. That means we have to wait a grueling six months before we see any football action again. And that's only if your team makes the Super Bowl or even makes the playoffs.
Roger Goodell is a huge advocate of making the NFL span over 18 games long. And us fans would love to see that happen.
I consider myself a little nerdy, so I enjoy even preseason games. So to me personally, taking away two preseason ...

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