
Sun–Tzu: The Art Of War and The Detroit Lions (Part 1)

July 19, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Two thousand years ago, there lived a famous Chin (Chinese) general, Sun Wu. He wrote a monograph titled “The Art of War”. It was meant for the warrior elite of the times, but has found transcendent value that exists to this day.
No military leader, and by extension, no NFL coach has not made reference to this timeless masterpiece in his preparations and conduct in battle.
We should ever be mindful of the lessons of the master. Let us now explore the message of Sun--Tzu, and how it relates to victory, or defeat for our Honolulu Blue clad army as it takes to the field. My sole source of research was Shonshi,com. An excellent study.
Part 1. Calculation
Calculation in football, as in war, is an incredibly complex undertaking. Sun--Tzu crystallizes calculation into five concepts where we will see relevance.
The Way
The way causes people to willingly follow the thinking of their superiors.
In terms of the Lions, this can be thought of a...

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