
The 1980s Washington Redskins: The Last Old School NFL Team

May 27, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Article written and originally published by Kerry Byrne of Cold Hard Football Facts. 
The Redskins of the early 1980s have always held a special place in the otherwise frigid, empty heart of the Cold, Hard Football Facts. Perhaps it was because we were still in our pigskin pre-pubescence during their heyday. But even then, when we were budding, young, little Trolls still with hopes and dreams, the mighty Hogs, the Diesel, and Dave Butz stood out as members of a  uniquely charismatic team. Watching the Redskins just felt different than watching any other pro football team of the time, and certainly any other pro football team since. And we never quite knew why. But light dawned on Marblehead last week, while watching a 1982 Redskins highlight film on NFL Network. And it suddenly became all so crystal clear, like an icy vodka martini without an olive or a twist."Please, sir, may we have some more?" We loved those Redskins teams for primal pigs...

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