
The Best Tampa Bay Buccaneers Not in Canton (Offense)

October 20, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Seattle Seahawks started their franchises almost the old fashioned way of having earn every success they garnered.
Starting in 1976, in an era where free agency did not exist, they had to build a team through tryouts, the regular NFL draft, and the expansion draft. The expansion draft of 1976 consisted of players the other teams planned on cutting anyways. The biggest names were guys considered washed up, while rest were players most people had never heard of. 
Seattle did a bit better in the expansion draft, but Tampa Bay did get players like Dave Reavis, Mark Cotney, Louis Carter, and Dave Pear would help the team improve over the next few seasons.  
Their first head coach John McKay, a legend at the University of Southern California who is in the College Football Hall of Fame after winning four National Championships, even drafted his own son in that expansion draft.  
J.K. McKay lasted three years w...

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