
The Big Game on the Big Stage: Is the Super Bowl Headed To New York?

May 23, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

It was an idea floated all the way back in 2001 after the September 11th terrorist attacks, and now almost ten years and one brand new state of the art stadium later, it’s finally gaining some traction.

New York is a candidate for a Super Bowl.

Well, to be technical, New Meadowlands Stadium is located across the Hudson River in East Rutherford, New Jersey, a little over ten miles outside of Manhattan.
But still, there’s no doubt how Super Bowl XLVIII (48 for those that don't do well with Roman numerals) would be marketed if it were to be played in the shared home of the Giants and Jets.

It would be the New York Super Bowl. The biggest media event played in the country’s media mecca. It seems like the perfect fit.

Only problem?

The Super Bowl takes place in February and anyone that’s ever been in the metropolitan area during the winter knows it can be a little chilly and blustery to say the least.

The NF...

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