
The Inevitable Battle To Come: Who Will Replace Donald Driver?

May 18, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Donald Driver is an all time Packer great. He has caught up to 49 touchdowns, has a total of 9,050 yards, holds the franchise record in receptions with 647 and still has plenty more to show.
Donald Driver is the greatest original player still active with the Packers from the Brett Favre Era. His one handed catches are an amazing sight to this day.
In 2002, at the age of 26, he had 70 receptions for 1,064 yards—a 15.2 average. Last season, at 34 years old, he had 70 receptions for 1061 yards—a 15.2 average. Is there any denying that this man is a freak?
He will truly be missed when his time to leave has come. And despite still playing like he's in his prime, the fact is that he's 35 years old. Unfortunately, it's only a matter of time.
So who is worthy of replacing this Packer great? The two front-runners will have to duke it out to see who can truly match Driver's athleticism —James Jones and Jordy Nelson.
It's possible that Ted will simply...

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