
The NFL’s Top 10 Quarterbacks Of 2010…They Aren’t Who You Think They Are

October 16, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

If you've been a football fan for a while, you've likely engaged at least once in the debate of "Who's the greatest quarterback of all-time?"
Was it Montana with all his rings?
What about Elway?
Depending on the logic you choose to use, all of those current or future Hall of Famers have exhibited a level of "greatness" that most quarterbacks can't come close to. Do you base your opinion on Super Bowls? How about winning percentage? Fourth quarter comebacks? What about quarterback rating, passing yards, or touchdowns?
Truth be told, there is no single formula that will ever remove the ambiguity of what one stat fans see as more important than another, but let's give it a shot anyway.
This season, a case can be made for as many as five or six quarterbacks as the league's best. Some quarterbacks are putting up record-breaking passing numbers, but their teams aren't winning. Others are...

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