
The Odyssey: JaMarcus Russell Released By The Oakland Raiders

May 6, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

While it comes as no surprise that the Oakland Raiders have (according to a team spokesman via the blog by Jerry McDonald at www.ibabuzz.com/oaklandraiders) released JaMarcus Russell, it does come as a surprise that it happened now.
The only logical conclusion to be drawn is that the Raiders wanted to give Russell one last-gasp chance to turn his career in Oakland around by having him work at mini-camp. Obviously, though improved, Russell's performance wasn't enough to keep him around.
You can hear a collective sigh of relief from Raider Nation, as one of the team's greatest mistakes is now in the rear-view, and although I have been very critical of Russell, I am not one of those people.
While I feel that Russell mostly did this to himself, with his sense of entitlement and lack of effort, I also feel that this kid has a ton of talent, and it makes me very sad that it will never be realized in a Raider uniform, if at all.
Another team may pick up Russell, and h...

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