
The Redemption of Josh McDaniels: Failure Taught Pats OC How to Pick His Spots

September 29, 2016   ·     ·   Jump to comments

On the morning of Dec. 6, 2010, a plane touched down at Akron-Canton Airport. Thom McDaniels turned on his phone as the plane slowed, and it rang immediately. It was his son Josh. The day before, Thom had watched Josh's Broncos lose to the Chiefs in Kansas City. Now, Josh had some news.  
"Dad, the Broncos let me go this morning," Josh said. "I want you to know I'm fine. Laura is fine. Tell Mom for me, would you?"
Not long after, Thom called his son back. Like most good dads, Thom doesn't hold back when he thinks his son needed to be told something. And when Thom has something to say about coaching, his words are well received by his son.
These days, Thom mows greens on a golf course. But for 38 years, he carved a legend in northeast Ohio as a high school football coach. Josh started tagging along to his practices when he was five years old.
"You need to write down everything you would do differently if you ever get a chance to be a head coach again," Thom told...

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