
Tom Cable and The Oakland Offensive Line

August 14, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

When Tom Cable arrived in Oakland three seasons ago, he was touted as an O-line Guru and was expected to bring some sort of stability and consistency to this unit. Ironically, the offensive line has been the least consistent unit on the Raiders team since his assumption of the head coaching position halfway through 2008.
Quarterback after Quarterback have been trolloped behind Cable's ZBS scheme which covers areas as opposed to man-to-man, in your face football of traditional Raider lore. The running game has suffered tremendously under this scheme and consequently so has the passing game.
According to neo-Raider standards, three years is all a Raider needs to develop. This is Cable's third year and the O-line is far from stable or consistent. No one will be more under the Nation's microscope as they have chosen the unaccomplished upstart coach over the young, immature, hyper talented JMR.
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