
Washington Redskins: Poor Poor Pitiful Big Al, the Whole World Is Picking on Him

December 7, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

This morning I'd like to start things off with a little off-color humor.
Back in the 90's, during the WWE's Attitude Era, there was a feud between Shawn Michaels and Bret the Hit-man Hart.
Michaels beat the Hitman in what would become notoriously known as the "Montreal Screw-Job."
This would be Hart's last WWE match as he left for rival WCW.  The next night on RAW, Michaels came out bragging about how he had vanquished Hart from the WWE, but one Hart still remained.
That Hart was Bret's little brother Owen.
Michaels so colorfully described Owen as a little poo-nugget that just wouldn't flush down the toilet.
Well that's how I feel about Albert Haynesworth.
Vinny Cerrato was the big steamy pile of crap that was flushed last season, and his last mistake, Albert Haynesworth, is that little poo-nugget that refuses to go down on the first flush.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is Big Al is a piece of s##t.
Last night, Haynesworth was on th...

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