
What Dez Says: Was Miami Dolphins GM Out of Line?

May 3, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Remember the good old days when at a job interview you might have got thrown a curveball question like, "If you were a flavor of ice cream, what flavor would you be?"

One of the biggest stories last week was the news that Miami Dolphins GM Jeff Ireland asked first round draft prospect Dez Bryant, "Was your Mom a prostitute?"

That interview question heard around the world immediately cast a shadow of not only Ireland's career, but the Miami Dolphins' organization. Ireland apologized the next day, which was the right thing to do.

Later in the week, the Dolphins gave their side of the story. According to Dan LeBatard's tweet , here is something how the interview process went, according to the Dolphins:

Dez Bryant denied any of this ever happened.

First off, under no circumstances Ireland should have asked if Bryant's mom was a prostitute. If Bryant said his dad was a pimp and his mom worked for his dad, that would be enough informat...

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