
Why NFL Teams Don’t Tank for a Better Draft Position

December 27, 2014   ·     ·   Jump to comments

We’re at a point in the NFL season when a number of teams have little left to collectively fight for, except maybe the all-too-familiar pride. But why do teams that are eliminated from the postseason actually compete for victories when every win only punishes them come draft time?
If you regularly follow the never-silent collection of football fans and writers on Twitter, you’ve probably already seen the countless many—whose meaningful season has long been over—pleading for their favorite team to tank the remaining few games to strategically improve their draft position.
For those who don’t know, "tanking" is the term to describe a team that purposefully loses a game to fulfill some alternate agenda.
This annual plea from the Twitterverse around this time of year seems to have picked up steam over time. So much so that it now feels as if people are genuinely rooting for flailing teams to concede defeat, hang up shop and pack it in for the se...

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