
Why Pro Football Hall of Fame Fan Balloting Is A Terrible Idea

March 21, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

In my opinion, NFL fans should have absolutely NO say in who gets enshrined into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
Think about that for a minute. If you are like most NFL fans, you will take offense. Something deep and guttural within your being will rise up and shout, “NO! THAT’S NOT RIGHT! WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE!”
Why should this notion illicit such opposition? Because it is “Un—American.” Well, sort of.
Many Americans are confused enough to believe that this great nation of ours is in fact a democracy.
Those of us who paid attention in social studies class in grade school will recall that it is in fact a representative republic. The public vote does not decide the presidency (as we very publicly found out in 2000), the Electoral College does that. The Congress determines laws and legislation and not all of them are put to a public vote.
Still, most Americans believe they have the right to vote on and decide EVE...

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